This week we looked at the mask of success. If it's true that every mask we wear hides something, then what Pastor Mark shared, was that the mask of success hides the lack of true identity in Christ. As this thought was developed I thought it was a fascinating idea to think about. If you think about our pursuit of success in this world, often it is motivated by image. In other words, our pursuit of success is a pursuit to create a certain kind of image for ourselves with wealth, possessions, status, etc. And the level of success we reach becomes our identity. So in essence, our identity is not defined by who we truly are but by what we accomplish and achieve, and those things mask our true identity.
But if we take off the mask of success and redefine it in God's terms, the very foundation of how we define success changes. Where the mask of success is defined by image... an image we create for ourselves that becomes our identity... success in God's eyes is defined by our identity (who we are in Christ) and this identity becomes our image. We could very easily do the same things in either scenario, but the motivation behind why we do those things totally changes. No longer are we vainly pursuing wealth, possessions, and status to create an image for ourselves but we are pursuing the things that God stirs within us out of a sense of our identity in Him.
So the big question is, how do we take off the mask of success and redefine what being successful is all about? Well according to human standards which are based on image, you've become successful when you achieve a certain image of success... you've achieved a certain status and you appear successful. According to God's standard which is based on identity, you become successful when you understand who you are in Christ, you get a sense of what God has created you to do and you live your life to fulfill that mission of what you were created for... your calling from God. What exactly that calling is, and what it will look like is different for every one of us because we were all created with a unique purpose. But the real goal in finding success is to understand who God has called you to be... what he has created you for... and to boldly and passionately pursue that purpose with everything that's in you every single day of your life.